Friday, December 5, 2008

Happy Birthday Jordan!

This post is dedicated to my youngest Brother, Jordan. He is 17! My how the time has flown! I was only 8 when he was born! Let's go back---- I remember that my aunt Dawn was visiting from Texas and we were living at my Grandma and Grandpa Moons house while they were serving a mission to Ohio. My mom realized she was in labor on the morning of December 5th, 1991. I remember my dad giving her a blessing and then she had to go comb her hair and put on some make-up! If you know Adele at all, you know that statement is not far off base!
Jordan, I want you to know that I love you with my whole heart. You make me a very proud sister and I know that one day you are going to do something great that will amaze all of us! Have a great 17th year and as I always say, "Remember who you are and what you stand for". And on your 18th birthday I promise you that I will tell you a different and better story!
I love you Jordan!

1 comment:

Coleman, Ashley, Cash, and Presley said...

haha! happy birthday jordan! someday you will do something important. until then krista will just have to wait for that someday!