Tuesday, November 25, 2008


I am so excited for Thanksgiving! This year my Aunt and cousins are coming to spend the extended weekend with my family and I. We are spending the holiday and My grandma and grandpa Moons house! Though I am sure that it is the same with some of you out there, I LOVE to play games with the whole family. For the most part we are all pretty good sports about everything. Though there is the occasional fight about random words during our speed scrabble tournaments! And the anonymous crazy person who gets a little streak of energy and throws her scrabble pieces right in my lap! (Its ok, I know she was just intimidated by my awesomeness!) Last year my G-ma decided it would be a good idea to have a big piece of paper on the wall that we could write down all the things we are thankful for! I must say that when, by the end of the weekend, it was completely full of things, I had to realize that we are indeed blessed to live in such a great place in this country! Although times are hard for alot of us, I still have the best family on the planet, that nows how to have more fun than anyone I have ever met! So, to my spectacular, beautiful, wonderful, amazing family. You constantly remind me of how truly loved I am! And to everyone else............... HAPPY THANKSGIVING!


Kris and Sarah said...

Word!! ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

You so have to teach me how to play Speed Scrabble! Sounds fun!

Coleman, Ashley, Cash, and Presley said...

Hey! i didn't fetching know you started a blog! you dork! Can you believe it? round 2!?!? i tried to call you and tell you in person... (or i guess on the phone...) but whatev... :)